Category: TB02
TB02 Battery Holder Cover
This is a battery cover holder for Tamiya TB02. It has an overall length of 158mm. Make sure your printer… read more TB02 Battery Holder Cover
ycthk August 7, 2020
TB02 Rear Bumper
This is a rear bumper for the TB02. Replace the two screws at the rear end with ones about 3mm… read more TB02 Rear Bumper
ycthk July 27, 2020
“Plugin” cooling fan mount for Tamiya TT01/TB01/TB02 chassis longer version
This special longer fan mount is designed for the TT01/TB01/TB02 chassis. You simply plug it in onto the side of… read more “Plugin” cooling fan mount for Tamiya TT01/TB01/TB02 chassis longer version
ycthk July 6, 2020
“Plugin” cooling fan mount for Tamiya TT01/TB01/TB02 chassis
This special fan mount is designed and updated for the TT01/TB01/TB02/Levant chassis. You simply plug it in onto the side… read more “Plugin” cooling fan mount for Tamiya TT01/TB01/TB02 chassis
ycthk July 5, 2020